Throwback 5: CYBATHLON Experience@Weltklasse Zürich
VariLeg enhanced got its first taste of competition at the CYBATHLON Experience@Weltklasse Zürich. The show race took place in August
Throwback 4: Rollout
We fondly remember a great moment of VariLeg enhanced, the rollout of the focus project at ETH. After only nine
Throwback 3: First steps
Today we would like to relive with you one of the greatest milestones of VariLeg enhanced. On May 7, 2019,
Throwback 2: First Test
In today's throwback, we would like to look back with you on a major milestone of the VariLeg enhanced project.
Throwback 1: How everything began
Let’s use the next few weeks to have a look back to the beginnings of the focus project VariLeg enhanced.